Why babies cry?

 Why do babies cry so much?

Because a baby is unable to put its feelings and desires into words it  communicates vocally with other people by crying. Crying in a baby is by no means only associated with unhappy experiences, such as being hungry or feeling unwell and tears do not normally appear unless the baby is really distressed.

Most mothers get to know the “vocabulary” of cries used by their baby and believed that they can tell with some accuracy what it wants from the nature of its cry. For instance, if a baby is hungry it will most likely continous to cry if picked up, but if it is crying from boredom ffit will stop crying when picked up  or when moved to other more interesting, surroundings.

Of course, it is not always possible to know why a baby cries. There are occassions when it is neither hungry, tired, uncomfortable, bored, frightened or wanting to be cuddled and a mother finds it impossible to quiten the baby’s cries. Neither, it would seem, does the baby know what it wants and so it cries!

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