
Kites have been used in Asia since there is no record in history about the exact date of existence. Some evidence dates their invention at around 1,000 B.C. 

What is a kite?
A kite is a toy made for recreational activities for families and friends to spend their bonding moments together. A kite comes in various forms and shape some are 3D; An object that can float at the sky by the influence of the wind and string are attached for a human to control  its navigation.

Where do kites came from?
Kite flying has been a national pastime for many centuries among the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Malayans. Kites held great religious significance in Asia, as they were believed to keep evil spirits away when flown at night.

When was the kite invented?
But there is also a tradition that they were invented nearly four centuries before Christ by Archytas of Tarentum, in southern Italy. He was Greek philosopher and scientist, and a friend of Plato, the great philosopher. But the kite was said to be the invention of the famous 5th century B.C. Chinese philosophers Mozi and Lou Ban. No one really knows who invented the kite.

When is Kite Day?
Kite flying strictly for pleasure has many supporters in China where the ninth day of the ninth month is designated Kite Day.

Uses of Kite:
Kites have often been used in simple bridge building by attaching a cable to the kite and flying it across the river or gap. In meteorology kites have been used to carry weather recording instruments aloft. In Chinese methodology kites were use as a form of scaring the enemies away and/or to pass messages. In 1752 Benjamin Franklin use a kite to prove that lightning was electricity.

The current kite flying record of four and a half miles was achieved with a string of 10 kites. The total surface of the 10 kites was 683 square feet. The line used for this record-breaking flight was more than nine miles long.

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