ASPIN aka Askal (Asong kalye)

Aspin or also known as the askal asong kalye/(street dog) is a mixture of dog breeds that freely multiply in the philippines. This kind of dog is very simple and can endure hardship such as loneliness, hunger, heat and rain. These dog typically do not need dog food to survive; they don't even need an owner. But ASPIN are also intelligent and obedient dogs, they are like humans when it comes to emotion.

ASPIN is a combination of two words, "AS" for aso (dog) and "PIN" for Pinoy (Filipino). Aspin  like any other typical dogs are very playful and also possess the talent in comforting humans. 

So the next time you are trying to find a pet dog but you are out of budget, why not choose an aspin, all you have to do is wait for your neighbors' aspin dog to get pregnant and the owner are giving the puppies away for as low as Php350 or sometimes for FREE; and if you adopt an aspin puppy the human owner not just give it to you for free but also you will received a warm thanks and smile with a reminder to take care of the puppy like your own family.

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