Parts of the BALUT

What is a Balut?
A Balut is a fertilized bird egg, they usually use a duck egg to make this delicacy. This is a common street food in the Philippines.

Eating balut is very challenging for beginners especially to those who are afraid to eat a half-developed duck. Many Filipinos are calling the duck as "sisiw" or chick but the truth is that chick they are referring to is a duck embryo.
Later after eating your third balut you may find the pleasure and start enjoying eating this extra-ordinary delicacy.
Share this adventure of eating balut, a Filipino delicacy, with your friends and loved-ones and enjoy the moment together with them, to bond, to create memories that will last for a life time.
Parts of the Balut:
The Egg Shell
Amniotic Fluid/ balut soup
Duck Embryo

at early 100's the balut was discovered in the Philippines  whereas Filipinos were influenced by the Chinese way back in the early 1885 since then they learned to prepare balut as an exotic dish.
How to Eat Balut

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