God Test Abraham

The Testing of Abraham (Gen. 13: 1-8; 15: 2-6; 17: 5, 15-16, 19; 22: 1-3)
God blessed Abram. He gave him great riches. His flocks increased rapidly. Yet, though Abram was already very old, God had not given him a son. One day, the Lord showed Himself to Abram and spoke to him. At once Abram bowed down before the Lord and said: "O my Lord, shall I die without children? Shall I give all my riches to the sons of my servants?"
The Lord God told Abram: "Look up, Abram and try to count the stars in the sky, if you can. Your children and your children's children shall be as numerous as those stars. They shall inherit this land that I promised to you."
Abram believed all that God had told him and patiently waited for a son. One day, God said to "Abram, from now on, your name shall be Abraham and not Abram, for you shall be the father of many nations. And your wife's name shall be Sarah, and no longer Sarai, because she shall be the mother of princess. I shall fulfill My promise to you, and I will give you a son. I will bless him. He shall be the father of kings and nations. You shall name him Isaac."
Isaac, the son Abraham and Sarah, was born as Lord had said.
One day, when Isaac was still a boy, God said: "Abraham, Abraham! "
And Abraham answered: "Here I am."
The Lord said to him: "Take Isaac, your only son and offer him in sacrifice upon the mountain I will show you."
Abraham's heart was filled with grief. But he always obeyed God and he wanted to continue obeying Him. Therefore, he prepared to go to the mountain and offer his son in sacrifice. The word "sacrifice" here means that the offering had to be burned. Every bit of it had to turn into ash.
Abraham immediately prepared to do as the Lord God had commanded. He cut the wood for the fire; placed the bundle on the back of an ass. He took with him two young men and Isaac, his son.
They travelled for three days. When Abraham could see the place, he told the two young men to stay with the ass. He said: "My son and I will go to the mountain. After we have made our offering to God, we shall return to you."
Abraham put the wood for the sacrifice upon Isaac's shoulder. He himself carried the fire and the sword.
Isaac said to his father: "My father, we have the fire and the wood for the sacrifice. Where is the sacrifice? " Abraham replied: "My son God will provide the offeing." And they went on to the mountain.
Abraham built an altar and placed the wood upon it. Next, he bound his son Isaac, 2nd placed him on top of the pile of wood on the altar. Abraham then took the sword to sacrifice his son. At that moment, a voice from heaven called out saying: "Abraham, do not do anything to your son. Now I know that you fear God. You were ready to sacrifice your only son for My sake."
At that same instant, Abraham saw a ram. He took it and offered it as sacrifice to God.
Again, Abraham heard a voice from heaven saying: "Because you have sacrificed your only son for My sake, I will bless you. Because you obeyed My voice, all na­tions of the earth shall be blessed through you."

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