Abraham's Sacrifice

 (Gen. 12, 22)
Abraham was one of the men who loved by God. One day God called, "Abraham?"

Abraham answered, "Here I am , Lord".

God told him, "Arises. Go to the land which I will show you."
So Abraham woke up and left his home in Haran. He took his wife, Sarai; his nephew, Lot; and all his cattle and servants. They were going to the promise land.

They wandered in the desert many days. One night God said to Abraham, "Count the stars in heaven."

"I cannot count them, Lord" said Abraham. "They are countless."

God said, "I promise you that your descendants will be as many as the stars. You will be father of many nations." Abraham was happy but at that time he had no son yet; and his wife was already old.

One day three travellers approached his tent. He welcomed them and gave them food and they thanked him. When they left, one of them said, "Next year your wife Sarai will have a son." Sarai smiled because she was already ninety years old! But Abraham believed. Then God changed the name of Sarai to Sara. As announced, Sara bore a child whom she called Isaac. The couple loved him very much.

When Isaac grew into a young boy, God told Abaham, "In the mountain of Morea, you offer Isaac as a sacrifice." How could he have millions of descendants then? But he did not complain.

Next day Abraham prepared his horse, some wood, his knife and fire. He, Isaac and two servants started their journey to the mountain of sacrifice. On the third day they reached the foot of the mountain and Abraham told his servants to stay. Only he and Isaac will climb the mountain for worship. Isaac carried the wood while Abraham carried the fire and the knife.

Isaac asked, "We have the fire and the wood. Where is the sacrifice.?"

Abraham replied, "God will provide the sacrifice, my son." When they arrived at the place of sacrifice, Abraham built an altar and placed the wood on it. Then he tied Isaac and placed him on the wood. He got his knife and stretched his arm to give his son to the Lord as sacrifice.
At that instant, the Lord called,"Abraham let your son be. I know that you obey and fear God since you would even sacrifice your only son for Him." Abraham look around and saw a ram caught in the bush by its horns. He took it and offered it as a sacrifice in place of Isaac.

God said, "I will indeed bless you with many children and grand children."

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