How did Adam and Eve Disobeyed God?

(Gen. 3:1-13)

The happiness of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden did not last.
The serpent was the most cunning of all the beasts of the earth which the Lord God had made. For this reason, Satan, made use of the serpent to carry out his wicked plans. He resolved to tempt Adam and Eve to disobey the orders of God.
One day, under the appearance of a serpent, Satan showed himself to Eve. At that time, Eve was near the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. Satan in the serpent asked her: "Why has God commanded you not to eat of every tree of Paradise? "
Eve answered him, saying: "We eat fruits from all the trees in Paradise. It is only of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil that we do not eat. If we eat of that tree, we shall die."
But Satan, tempting Eve, continued: "You will never die. God knows that if you eat of that tree, you eyes will be opened, and you shall be like God Himself, knowing good and evil."
     Eve was not wise enough to turn away from Satan and his temptation. She listened to Satan, something which she should not have done, and therefore she was led into sin.

      Eve saw that the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge Of good and evil were lovely to look at and very good to eat.  She knew that God had forbidden to eat of them. In spite of that, she plucked a fruit and ate it because she wanted to be as great as God. Then she gave some of  Adam and he also ate.  

     Adam and Eve knowingly and willfully disobeyed God.  Other words, they committed a mortal sin.
As soon as Adam and his wife, Eve, had committed that grave sin, they were filled with shame and fear.  They felt how ugly their sin was. They sewed together fig leaves and made coverings to hide their nakedness.
Adam and Eve knew very well that they had dis­obeyed God. That afternoon, when God looked down upon them, they ran to hide themselves among the trees. God called out to Adam: "You are ashamed and afraid because you have eaten of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil!"
Adam said, "You gave me Eve to be my compan­ion. She gave me the fruit that you said we should not eat of, and I ate it."
Then God turned to Eve, and asked: "Why have you done this? "
Eve replied: "I ate the fruit because the serpent told me a lie."

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