(Gen. 4:1-7)
When God expelled Adam from Eden, He said t him: "In the sweat of your face you will eat your bread. That meant that he would have to work very hard 1 make a living. Adam and Eve told their children a story of their happiness in Eden and how they had lost story it through sin.
They were very sorry that they had disobeyed God. Yet. they did not lose courage; God had cursed the serpent. He had promised that a woman would crush his head. They told their children that some day, God would save them from the effects of their sin.
     Adam and Eve  had  many children. The  eldest were Cain and Abel. Cain  made his  living from the fruits of the fields, the trees, and the vines. Abel was a shepherd. He led his sheep over  the  plains, seeking for pasture. Adam and Eve taught their children how to adore God. They adored Him by giving back to Him some of His gifts. These gifts they burned up, so they could never be given to anyone except God. Such an offering we call a sacrifice. It tells God that we wish to honor Him as our Creator, and that we know that we belong to Him, and depend upon Him for all things.
One day, Cain and Abel offered sacrifices to God. Cain offered the fruits of the field, while Abel placed upon his altar a young lamb  from  his  flock. God was pleased with Abel's sacrifice, but with Cam's He was displeased, because Cain did not give his gifts with a good heart.  When God rebuked him and pointed out to him the evil of his conduct, Cain became very angry. He was jealous of Abel, and too proud to realized that God  was displeased with his sinful heart.

     The Lord God said to Cain: "Why are you angry? They who do what is right shall be rewarded."

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