Baptist Church

The radical Reformation, objections to infant baptism and demands for church-state separation led to the establishment of the Baptist Church.

John Smyth called for the English Separation in the year 1609.  In the Philippines, Dr. Frank Hooge pioneered the Baptist movement and in January 1948, the Baptist Bible Church in the country was founded.

The distinguishing characteristic of the Baptist Church is their doctrine.  Baptists have no creed.  For them, the true church is made up of believers only.  They believe that Jesus Christ is the only Savior and that men must be born again to be saved.

The absolute authority of the Baptists is the Bible. Some of the members, particularly in the South, interpret the bible  literally.

Water baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the special rites of the Baptists.  However, since their church objects to infant baptism, the rite is performed at about the age of 12 by total immersion.

The worship style of the Baptists varies from staid to evangelistic, although their worship service usually features congregational signing.  The Baptist Church has extensive missionary activity.

Baptists are rather strict in their ethics.  They are usually opposed to alcohol and tobacco.  Sometimes, they are inclined toward Holiness, a perfectionist ethical standard.

The organization of the Baptist Church is congregational.  Each local church is usually considered autonomous, the head of which is the pastor.

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