A Robot That Flies like a Seagull

That is, until MARKUS FISCHER and his Team at Festo builty SMARTBIRD, a large, lightweight robot, modelled on a seagull.  A fascinating demoof the robot in action can be viewed at TEDGlobal 2011.

Many robots can fly but this one can navigate to the air by flapping its wings.

Youtube Video by TEDtalksDirector
► Later part of the project is on how to build a wings for humans. It is a fact that a metal bird / object can fly by flapping wings why not on humans.  The gears are very strong and give a lift with every cycle, definitely genius, all we have to do is calculate the wing span for humans and how to attach it on our back (not surgically).
Maybe after 10 years or so it will be out the market: "WINGS FOR SALE 30% OFF".
Wow imagine no traffic, no pollution, fresh air, and no costly fare. This will revolutionize the way of living. Keep it up Markus!

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