How to Train a Fish?

You know that a dog or cat can be trained to come to you when you call its name. The question is: "Can you teach a fish to come to you?". A gold fish, however, is not likely to learn its name.
Yet you can train a goldfish to come toward you when you "call" in another way.
You will need:
-tank filled with water
-a goldfish
-ruler and fish food

1. Use a ruler to tap gently the corner of the tank. Don't tap the tank heavily it will only scare the fish.
What does the fish do?

2. Sprinkle a little fish food in the tank near the same corner. At the same time, tap the corner as before.
What does the fish do?

3. Repeat step 2 everyday for four days. On the fifth day, tap the corner of the tank, but don't add food.
What does the fish do?

4. Is this behavior of the goldfish inborn or learned?

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