Dental Extraction

Dental Extraction is a surgical procedure wherein a tooth or several teeth are pulled out, leaving the patient unable to chew and swallow comfortably.

   • Severe tooth decay (non-restorable)
   • Movable tooth due to inflamed gums and connective tissues
   • Infections of tooth and surrounding tissues which cannot be corrected by root canal theraphy
   • Accidents involving tooth
   • Part of orthodontic treatment plan

   • Localized pain
   • Bleeding
   • Presence of slight fever

Helpful Dietary Management
   • Progress from cold liquid to mechanical soft diet for the next 2 to 3 days to help control bleeding.  The goal is to provide foods which require little chewing..

For Best Results
Consult a Qualified:
   •  Physician to diagnose your case and prescribe your diet
   •  Nutritiionist-dietitian for your nutritional needs

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